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- The Nicety of a Clean Install
- A Retrospective on (a portion of) Recovery
- Balancing Incoming Media
- A Clean Slate
- Additional Caveats of a Shared iPad
- Conceptualizing a Shared iPad in 2024
- Annotated: Plastics Followup, Recycling
- Annotated: Global Plastics Study
- Barriers
- Annotated: Beethoven’s Secret Code
- An Annotated Reading List
- Time to Let Go or Rearrange Deck Chairs?
- Nascent Thoughts on Hobbies
- Watches for Kids - First Impressions of Blok
- Defining My Why: The Missing "No" in my Service Vocabulary
- Define Your Why
- A Review of Lems
- Why I Love Xero Shoes
- Tools and Motivations
- My Own Change: Diversified Focus
- Healthy People Don't Drink Diet Coke
- Give it a Week
- My Own Change: Streak Culture
- My Own Change: Scheduling
- Make your own change
- Permission to Change
- A Product of Reflection: Paring Down
- Letting Go
- Slow Down
- The Leader's To-do List
- Ideals and Ambitions
- A Strange Sense of Obligation
- The Double-edged Sword of Delegation
- Small Behaviors Can Lead to Big Changes
- A Six Month Review of Leadership Goals
- The Problem of One-offs
- Modern Approaches to Job Postings
- The End
- Talking the Strategic Thoughts
- The Fair Process
- Leaders Understand Decision-Making
- A Followup About Focus Time
- Focus Time as a Leadership Quality
- Juggling Two Leadership Programs
- Inclusivity Through Life Sharing
- Conference Reflections and Follow-ups
- My Leadership Journey (A Work in Progress)
- Rest (or the need for disconnection)
- Now or Never
- Balancing Operations with Strategic Thinking
- Sharing the Load
- The Discomfort Zone
- Location Based Technology
- Location-based Intentionality
- Week in Review, Leadership and Journal Blogging
- Decision-making as a means of renewal
- Leadership in two questions
- This Should Be Social
- Artifacts from the Past
- Admitting Mistakes
- Minimalist Guilt
- Minimalism During a Pandemic
- Engaging Simplicity in a Complicated Context
- Reading Between the Childish Lines
- The Cost of Ownership
- The Other Pivot
- The Pivot
- The Renewal of Engineered Eloquence
- The Challenges of 2020
- cloThings
- Outer Inner Monologuing
- The Need to Simplify Tech Workflows
- Minimalism as a Gospel Calling
- Kids Stuff and Minimalism
- A Minimalist in the Tech Industry
- Scrutinizing My Read-it-later Habit
- Digital Hoarding (or the Fight for Digital Minimalism)
- Little Known Apple Watch Watchfaces
- Watches
- Finding Purpose
- Motivation
- Responsibility
- An Article On Smartphone Addiction
- Relief
- Because
- Let's Build Something
- That post about social media
- Everyone Needs A Win
- The Math of Media Consumption
- More Like Social Media and Us
- Writing Habits
- I guess I’m back.
- The Process
- Conferences As Habit-Forming Endeavors
- The Cons and Pros of Apple Watch After Year One
- Forming and Breaking Habits
- Value Propositions with Free Services
- Apple iPhone Event Follow Up
- Cutting Off Social Media and Getting the News
- Silence is not golden
- Old News from a Forgotten Draft
- Emotionally Exhausting, Fundamentally Necessary (You Oughta Know)
- You Oughta Know - Lent
- You Oughta Know - Transgender Rights
- You Oughta Know - Old News
- You Oughta Know - Flynn
- You Oughta Know - Unanimous
- You Oughta Know - The Senate
- You Oughta Know - Supreme Vacancy
- You Oughta Know - That Catholic Thing You Do
- You Oughta Know - Too Much
- You Oughta Know - Writing on the Wall
- I Think That You Oughta Know (formerly Eloquent Roundup)
- The Taint
- The activist and the persecutor
- NaNoWriMo
- Picking Up The Pebbles
- Apple's Trial Run
- Reading the Apple Tea Leaves
- Fashionable Apple
- On Windows
- On Writing, A Retrospective
- On Smart Things
- On Fighting
- Why I bought Day One 2.0
- The Future of Computing
- Journaling Simplicity
- The iPad
- Eloquent Roundup, Week 7
- Eloquent Roundup, Week 6
- Eloquent Roundup: WWDC
- Eloquent Roundup: The New MacBook
- Eloquent Roundup, Week 3
- Flag Design
- Eloquent Roundup, Week 2
- Eloquent Roundup, Week 1
- BBQ Tempeh Bowl
- Blogging About Blogging, Part 2
- Blogging About Blogging, Part 1
- Flashlight
- The iPhone 6 Series
- Homemade Gnocchi
- iOS 8 and Search
- Doubling Down on Secrecy: The Post
- Live Blogging a Job Search
- Security in Mobile
- Savory Pumpkin Appetizer
- Green Bean Casserole
- The Missed Opportunities of the Barnes & Noble Nook
- Fatherhood and Identity
- Discussing iWork
- Two Interesting Applications
- Nesting
- Settings Expectations
- Newspapers, a follow-up
- Books
- The Moto X
- Rethinking My Blogging Workflow
- Free
- Tagged: Follow-up
- Apple's Sneak Attack on the File System
- My Away Messages
- iOS 7
- Distribution and Spoiler Alerts
- Rethinking Information
- Fox, NBC, and Netflix: A difference in priorities
- Tumblr As A Blogging Platform
- Reading-It-Later
- On Instapaper and the Obsolescence of the Original iPhone
- On the Frequency of Site Updates
- With Death Comes New Life
- Being a Basil Beta Tester (Basil Review
- Thinking through financial freedom, Part 2 (The Original)
- Thinking Through Financial Freedom
- Lent (or Fasting For Feasting)
- The MacBook Air
- Staying In Control Of Staying Up-to-date
- Change
- Italy, Part Due
- Italy
- Going Legit
- The Challenges of Timeless Writing
- Contemplating Thanksgiving
- Hello World (Again)!
- Thoughts on Basil (and everything else)
- Mac OS X Lion and Use Cases
- The Moral of the Story with Jay Ray: Pinocchio Nation
- Contact
- The iPad just fit in
- Opinion: Boxee Box in retrospect
- Microsoft Silverlight Firestarter Conference and the Future of Silverlight 5
- Display Technologies, Part 4: Gorilla Arm and how some companies are ignoring it
- Android is fragmented at the hardware level [UPDATED]
- Google's Nexus S has an uphill battle for consumer recognition
- Apple and Google in the mobile platform war
- How fast is too fast for obsolescence?
- Display Technologies, Part 3: Desktop Display Resolutions
- How tablets will change the face of computing
- Boxee Box Announcement brings two steps forward, one step back
- Display Technologies, Part 2: Mobile Display Decision Making
- Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission webcasts hearing regarding Duke Energy
- Display technologies can make or break consumer electronics
- Barnes and Noble attempts a Leapfrog
- Apple makes a move "back to the Mac"
- The Bourne Identity, an Analysis
- Set the record straight
- The new model of software purchases
- The Couples Room Mate Syndrome
- Apple and Google
- Your company will make your choice phone
- Thoughts on 3D Technology